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The Future of Work

According to SHRM, the concept of the future of work encompasses how work, workers, and the workplace will evolve. The amalgamation of advancements in technology, the global pandemic and even the expanding gig economy have disrupted the traditional notion of work. The C-suite of companies is forced to adapt and make strategic decisions to better manage these rapid changes. Whether they can do so heavily depends on HR professionals and managers being knowledgeable about how this concept will impact the workplace.

The three main points to consider are: how work is done, who does the work, and where and when work is done.

How work is done focuses on the impacts of developing technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automation, and Machine Learning (ML) among other things. One crucial question would be if workers are even needed. What will be the extent of technological unemployment or will such technologies work hand in hand with workers to produce a more efficient result.

Secondly, who does the work addresses the question of whether companies are still hiring full-time employees or will contract-based individuals be employed to fill in the gaps. As an increasing number of individuals join the gig economy, companies are simultaneously advantaged and disadvantaged by hiring them. Hiring these contract and “temporary” staff is a fast stopgap solution. However, given the lack of incentive to integrate into the company, these individuals might not have the incentive to put in their best effort. This begs the question of how companies can stay on top of these part-time hires if need be.

Lastly, work is evolving to be more collaborative. Collaborative physical and digital workplaces are crucial in facilitating the process. One cannot discuss this without touching on the Covid-19 pandemic. A plethora of digital workspaces and productivity tools erupted during the pandemic. Over the years, these tools have improved, and the software has incorporated a vast selection of features to aid in the collaborative process. Despite this, once employees turn off their webcam, it is difficult for employers to understand what progress they are making.

Across the three factors, there is an overarching problem of struggling to ensure how employees can be managed efficiently to understand their workflow and prevent them from burning out. A transparent overview of tasks, whether it be progression or performance, is of paramount importance to ensure that companies can properly accommodate the evolution of workers and workplaces. This is where TRIYO steps in.

TRIYO gathers information embedded in user interactions and informal workflows between employees or customers through its APIs to measure performance, resource utilization, time, scope, accountability, profit efficiency, and much more. It brings data discovery to enterprises by tracking the progress of informal tasks that generate data that’s objective, real-time and never before captured.

With TRIYO, companies can confidently face the uncertainty of the future of work and find themselves at the forefront of change.

Learn more about how TRIYO does this here

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